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26th International Conference – School

August 26 – 30, 2024, Hotel “Gabija” Vytauto st. 40, Palanga, Lithuania
The Conference – School is intended for young scientists and PhD students interested in Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics

Conference email:
Phone: +370 (37) 313432


About Conference

  • Methods of Surface Analysis
  • Surface Engineering and Nanostructures
  • Electronic and Optical Materials
  • Ceramics
  • Polymers and Composites
  • Advanced Engineering Materials
  • Materials for Energy
Registered before 6 May
Registered before 20 May
Registered after 6 May
Registered after 20 May
Students 165 EUR 198 EUR
Other participants 275 EUR 330 EUR
Accompanying person 55 EUR 55 EUR

The registration fee covers the abstract inclusion in the book of abstracts, access to electronic book of abstracts, participation in all sessions and conference events (coffee breaks, conference welcome party), and certificate of attendance. Accompanying person fee includes conference welcome party.

The registration fee does not include accommodation costs.

Payment on-site during the conference is not possible.

If your institution will pay your participation fee and needs a proforma invoice, please contact us and provide the necessary details.

To make money transfer please use bank information presented below:

Bank-correspondent: DRESDNER BANK
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Beneficiary’s Bank: AB SEB Bankas
Bank address: Gedimino pr.12, LT-01103 Vilnius, Lithuania
Beneficiary’s account: LT38 7044 0600 0310 4481
Name and Address of Beneficiary: Kauno technologijos universitetas
K. Donelaicio str. 73, LT-44029 Kaunas, Lithuania
Details of payment: KO 036 (Registration fee, participant’s name)

After the money transfer, please, send a copy of the transaction document to the secretary of the conference by email:

Billing information

If you make money transfer of registration fee from your own account and you need the invoice, please provide the following information:

– Your personal address;
– Your personal code;

The information should be sent to the conference secretary via email:

The book of abstracts will be available in electronic format with the link sent to the registered participants. To ensure inclusion of the abstract in the book of abstracts, the conference fee should be paid before 19th of June. The participants, giving oral or poster presentations, are kindly asked to submit the abstract (one A5 page) in electronic (.doc or .docx) format.

The abstract should be prepared following the requirements:

  • manuscripts should be typed with single spacing using Microsoft Word processor, font – Arial;
  • paper size A5, margins: top – 18 mm; bottom – 19 mm; left – 17 mm; right – 17 mm;
  • template of the abstracts can be found here.
Font size, pt Font style Alignment
Title 11 Bold Centered
Authors 9 Bold Centered
Institution 9 Italic Centered
Main text 9 Regular Justify
References 8 Regular Justify
Keywords 9 Italic Justify
  • Abstract may include tables or figures, if necessary.
  • References, if necessary, should be numbered in square brackets ([1]) and listed at the end of the abstract.
  • Abstract must be submitted as a MS Word file. Rename the file as follows:
    AMT_Corresponding_author’s_name_surname.docx (example: AMT_john_smith.docx).

The abstract should be uploaded in the registration form or (if there are any problems) sent by e-mail:

Poster Presentations

A poster session is a graphic presentation of an author’s research. Authors illustrate their study findings by displaying graphs, photos, diagrams, and a small amount of text on poster boards. A good format to follow is: Title and author(s); a brief introduction; experimental details, if novel; results and conclusion.

We recommend A1 size poster in portrait. Organizers will provide participants with all the necessary equipment to hang the posters.

Oral Presentations

The lecturers are kindly asked to deliver material of the lecture (electronic version) to the Organising committee during registration. The materials of oral presentations will be distributed to all the participants after the conference.

Full papers after review can be published in a journal “Materials Science – Medžiagotyra” (indexed in Clarivate Analytics Web of Science, impact factor 1.00  (2022), 5 – year impact factor 0.80 (Journal Citation Reports Web of Science)). The papers prepared according to the requirements of the journal should be submitted using Open Journal System of “Materials Science-Medžiagotyra” and printed copy of the paper should be handed during the conference to the secretary of the organizing committee. The submission should be done before 16th of August 2024. Information for authors in English.

6 May 2024

20 May 2024

Deadline for the registration and abstract submission​​

Deadline for the registration and abstract submission has been extended

24 May 2024 Notification of Abstracts Acceptance/Rejection Deadline
10 June 2024 Reduced registration Fee Deadline
26 August 2024 Beginning of the Conference

The abstract will be included in the book of abstracts only if the payment (for regular or late registration) will be received until the 19th of June.

On-site registration starts on 26th of August at 2 pm.
Lectures will be organized from 27th to 30th of August.
The poster session is planned for 29th of August.
Distribution of certificates and departure is planned on the afternoon of 30th of August.

Conference will be held in Hotel “Gabija” Vytauto st. 40, Palanga, Lithuania.

By plane

Palanga airport

Palanga airport is situated only 7 kilometres off the city. The regular flights from Palanga airport are operated to Copenhagen (Denmark), Oslo (Norway) and Riga (Latvia) year-round. Relating to good connecting flights from Palanga with SAS it is easy to reach a lot of other cities in Europe via Copenhagen. For connecting flights please contact the travel agency or check the airline web pages: SAS, AirBaltic.
The city can be reached by bus or by taxi. The buses on route Airport-Palanga-Airport are going approximately every two/three hours every day. The time table is available on Autobusu bilietai (Departure from: “Palanga (oro uostas)”; Arrival to: “Palanga”). Taxi is available in front of Airport Terminal. A trip to Palanga city takes 10 min and costs about 15 EUR.

Vilnius airport

Also one can come via Vilnius Airport. The airport is located on a plateau in the south of Vilnius. It is only 7 km, or 15 minutes drive by car from the centre of the capital. The regular flights are operated to Brussel (Belgium), Stockholm (Sweden), Copenhagen (Denmark), Helsinki (Finland), Tallinn (Estonia), Moscow (Russia), Kiev (Ukraine), Warsaw (Poland), Frankfurt (Germany), Riga (Latvia), etc. More information can be found on Vilnius airport website.
The city centre can be easily reached using city train or bus. There is a special train between the Railway Station and the Airport. Located close to the passenger terminal, a train stop has staircase and elevator for passengers, lighting as well as a video supervision system for security of passengers. The needs of disabled passengers and passengers with reduced mobility have also been considered. Pedestrian path leading to the Airport is Sheltered and lightened during dark period of a day. The timetable can be found at Lietuvos gelezinkeliai.
Bus stop is situated just outside the airport. Bus No. 1 goes to the train/bus station and the buses No. 2 goes to the city centre. The timetable can be found at Vilnius Routes and Timetables.

Kaunas airport

Kaunas airport is situated 10 kilometres off the city. At Kaunas airport regular flights are operated (by Ryanair and AirBaltic) to London, Bristol, Birmingham, Edinburgh (United Kingdom), Dublin, Knock (Ireland), Frankfurt (Germany), Oslo (Norway), etc. More information can be found on the airport website.
There is a very convenient way to reach Kaunas central bus station by bus No. 29 (Kaunas Routes and Timetables), also special buses to capital Vilnius are arranged to suite the flight timetable (more information on the airport website).

By bus from Kaunas and Vilnius

There are frequent bus connections between most parts of Lithuania. The bus schedule from Kaunas and Vilnius to Palanga can be found on the website: Autobusu bilietai.

Participants of the conference who need a visa to come to Lithuania can find useful information here.

Palanga is an international seacoast resort for active recreation and rehabilitation treatment also offering a wide range of entertainments. It became a famous resort in early XXth century and presently is one of the largest resorts and tourism centres of Lithuania. As a recreation place, it has already operated for a century and a half. People come here to escape from their daily urbanized routines and gain strength from natural resources: the sun, sea water and fresh pine-forests’ air. There also are many things to see in Palanga: from the wonderful white sand beaches and variety of remarkable landscapes to Museum of Amber, Botanical Gardens, Birutė’s hill and Church of Saint Marie. It is also a fine plan to have a great night out with your friends in one of the bars and nightclubs, of which the town now has plenty.
Palanga has its own small airport with the international flights from Latvia, Norway and Denmark. One can also use Vilnius international airport – still the most convenient way to enter Lithuania. More detailed information about Lithuania and Palanga can be found on the websites:
State Department of Tourism
Palanga Town Council
Palanga Tourism Information Center

The accommodation is not covered by the registration fee and participants have to find their own place to stay. Information about hotels in Palanga can be found here.

KTU Guest House “Politechnika” (S. Dariaus ir S. Girėno Str. 37, Palanga) offers as well accommodations for conference participants. Accommodation is on first come, first served basis. Number of available places is limited. Be aware, that all rooms are with a shared bathroom. Rooms may be double, triple or quarter occupancy.
For more detailed information about accommodation or if you want to book a place in the guest house, please contact the guest house directly by email (in the Subject line indicate – Conference “Advanced Materials and Technologies”), or by phones +370 460 53558, +370 687 90 026, +370 611 13 581.


Tentative List of Lecturers

Prof. Dr. Gintautas Tamulaitis

Vilnius University, Lithuania


Fast Scintillators for Fast Radiation Detectors in Demand for Future High Physics Experiments at CERN and High-Spatial-Resolution Medical Imaging Devices



Dr. Dominik Farka

Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic


Self-Assembly in the Service of Organic Electronics and Beyond

Prof. Yogendra Kumar Mishra

University of Southern Denmark, Denmark


Tetrapods based Smart Materials for Advanced Technologies

Dr. Casper Kunstmann

University of Southern Denmark, Denmark


Gold Nanoparticle Based Thin Films for Optical and Electrical Sensing

Dr. Vaidas Klimkevičius

Vilnius University, Lithuania


Surface Modification of Nanoparticles: Challenges, Benefits and Applications

Prof.  Igor A. Lukyanchuk

Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France


Fundamental Topology and Emergent Applications of the Nanostructured Ferroelectrics

Prof. Franz Faupel

Kiel University, Germany


Ways Out of the Climate and Sustainability Crisis – What Is Opinion, What Is Knowledge, Do We Have the Power to Change Something?

Dr. Kaspars Traskovskis

Riga Technical University, Latvia


Development of Light Emitting Two-Coordinate Copper(I) Complexes

Prof. Vaidotas Marozas

Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania


Photoplethysmography-Based Physiological Measurement Technologies: Applications and Uncertainty Estimation

Dr. Denis Sokol

Vilnius University, Lithuania


Layered Double Hydroxide Structures (LDH): Fabrication Techniques and Diverse Applications

Dr. Weronika Andrzejewska

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland


SARS-CoV-2 Nanobiosensor based on Surface Plasmon Resonance

Dr. Jurgis Pilipavičius

Vilnius University, Lithuania


Understanding of Materials Degradation in Aqueous Batteries

Prof. Evaldas Naujalis

Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Lithuania


Capabilities and Applications of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry

Prof. Vyacheslavs Kashcheyevs

University of Latvia, Latvia


Recent Progress in Single-Electron Quantum Technologies

Dr. Oleksandr Bezvikonnyi

Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania


Exploitation of Triplet Emission in Organic Electroluminescent Devices and Optical Sensors

Prof. Almira Ramanavičienė

Vilnius University, Lithuania


Recent Advances in Nanomaterial-Based Immunosensors

Dr. Hubert Halbritter

ams-OSRAM International GmbH, Germany


Photons for a “Bright” Future

Dr. Krisjanis  Smits

University of Latvia, Latvia


Advanced Characterization of Materials by SEM, TEM, FIB

Dr. Andrei Kholkin

University of Aveiro, Portugal


Magnetoelectric Effect: Applications in Energy Harvesting and Biology

Dr. Evelina Dudutienė

Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Lithuania


Optical Characterization for Bismide-Based Quantum Structures Optimization



Programme of the 26th International Conference-School
“Advanced Materials and Technologies 2024”

Date: 26-30 August, 2024
Venue: Hotel “Gabija”
Vytauto St. 40, Palanga, Lithuania

August 26, Monday

14:00 – 20:00 Arrival and registration




Hotel “Gabija” Vytauto st. 40, Palanga, Lithuania

If you have any questions please do not hesitate and contact us:

Conference email:
Conference website:
Phone: +370 (37) 313432

Institute of Materials Science of Kaunas University of Technology
K. Baršausko St. 59, LT-51423 Kaunas, Lithuania

Phone: +370 (37) 313 432

How to reach the venue?

Conference will be held at  Palanga, Lithuania.

By plane

Palanga airport

Palanga airport is situated only 7 kilometres off the city. The regular flights from Palanga airport are operated to Copenhagen (Denmark), Oslo (Norway) and Riga (Latvia) year-round. Relating to good connecting flights from Palanga with SAS it is easy to reach a lot of other cities in Europe via Copenhagen. For connecting flights please contact the travel agency or check the airline web pages: SAS, AirBaltic.
The city can be reached by bus or by taxi. The buses on route Airport-Palanga-Airport are going approximately every two/three hours every day. The time table is available on Autobusu bilietai (Departure from: “Palanga (oro uostas)”; Arrival to: “Palanga”). Taxi is available in front of Airport Terminal. A trip to Palanga city takes 10 min and costs about 15 EUR.

Vilnius airport

Also one can come via Vilnius Airport. The airport is located on a plateau in the south of Vilnius. It is only 7 km, or 15 minutes drive by car from the centre of the capital. The regular flights are operated to Brussel (Belgium), Stockholm (Sweden), Copenhagen (Denmark), Helsinki (Finland), Tallinn (Estonia), Moscow (Russia), Kiev (Ukraine), Warsaw (Poland), Frankfurt (Germany), Riga (Latvia), etc. More information can be found on Vilnius airport website.
The city centre can be easily reached using city train or bus. There is a special train between the Railway Station and the Airport. Located close to the passenger terminal, a train stop has staircase and elevator for passengers, lighting as well as a video supervision system for security of passengers. The needs of disabled passengers and passengers with reduced mobility have also been considered. Pedestrian path leading to the Airport is Sheltered and lightened during dark period of a day. The timetable can be found at Lietuvos gelezinkeliai.
Bus stop is situated just outside the airport. Bus No. 1 goes to the train/bus station and the buses No. 2 goes to the city centre. The timetable can be found at Vilnius Routes and Timetables.

Kaunas airport

Kaunas airport is situated 10 kilometres off the city. At Kaunas airport regular flights are operated (by Ryanair and AirBaltic) to London, Bristol, Birmingham, Edinburgh (United Kingdom), Dublin, Knock (Ireland), Frankfurt (Germany), Oslo (Norway), etc. More information can be found on the airport website.
There is a very convenient way to reach Kaunas central bus station by bus No. 29 (Kaunas Routes and Timetables), also special buses to capital Vilnius are arranged to suite the flight timetable (more information on the airport website).

By bus from Kaunas and Vilnius

There are frequent bus connections between most parts of Lithuania. The bus schedule from Kaunas and Vilnius to Palanga can be found on the website: Autobusu bilietai.

Participants of the conference who need a visa to come to Lithuania can find useful information here.



